I've beaten all Deathwishes... exept the EX bosses. I just need to beat them, I'll do the bonuses later. Here's my current strats:
Encore! Encore! (Mafia boss): Spin Attack: Jump over him untill second one finishes. Super Charge: Jump over regular shockwaves. Jump and dive through the gap between the Shockwave and the shock orb. Ultra Charge: Not encountered. Mega Charge: Not encountered. Sandbag 1: Stand under a sandbag that was deployed later, then jump over the Mafia and sandbag. Sandbag 2: No solid strat. Further Sandbags: Not encountered. "Frisbee Blade": Jump over blades until he is blue. Mafia Ball: Not encountered.
Killing Two Birds (Conductor and DJ Grooves): Just act like there are two birds 😒. Still stuck though. Their attacks can mix nastily.
Breaching the contract (Snatcher): Minion Swinging and Wave and Geyser: Go in middle and jump when wave reaches you. Potion 10, Potion 1000, and Potion 1: Mash dive button while moving. Pop-up Wave and Potions: No solid start. Geyser Attacks: Jump over waves and always avoid the circles. Others unknown.
No More Bad Guys (Mustache Girl): It's just Mustache Girl with tweaks to her attacks.
Please give advice
I forgot to post yesterday
Have two older hat in time drawings to make up for it
Empress and Conductor but F L O O F C H I C K E N
hello I'm blackcatgolfer and I am new here to I'm telling u Peck because I like it
What would the game look like if it was heavily affected by this anomaly?
Thanks for giving me place to upload this
By the way its scott pilgrim but its the conductor
44 Votes in Poll
50 Votes in Poll
I noticed that entering the final battle, Conductor has more lines than DJ Grooves who only has one OPTIONAL line in there entire last act in the main game (excluding DLC). And Conductor is involved in the final battle, riding the mafia ball, DJ Grooves isn’t.
Why do you think this is the case?
49 Votes in Poll
67 Votes in Poll
Ok just watched the Nintendo direct.
I am sad to report there is no little girl with a top hat opening an envelope... instead it’s some fighting game character.
They said there would be more dlc so had kid has a chance. Also any undertale fans in here? Yes? No? Well sans made it in. (Sorta) you will see.
47 Votes in Poll