I've beaten all Deathwishes... exept the EX bosses. I just need to beat them, I'll do the bonuses later. Here's my current strats:
Encore! Encore! (Mafia boss): Spin Attack: Jump over him untill second one finishes. Super Charge: Jump over regular shockwaves. Jump and dive through the gap between the Shockwave and the shock orb. Ultra Charge: Not encountered. Mega Charge: Not encountered. Sandbag 1: Stand under a sandbag that was deployed later, then jump over the Mafia and sandbag. Sandbag 2: No solid strat. Further Sandbags: Not encountered. "Frisbee Blade": Jump over blades until he is blue. Mafia Ball: Not encountered.
Killing Two Birds (Conductor and DJ Grooves): Just act like there are two birds 😒. Still stuck though. Their attacks can mix nastily.
Breaching the contract (Snatcher): Minion Swinging and Wave and Geyser: Go in middle and jump when wave reaches you. Potion 10, Potion 1000, and Potion 1: Mash dive button while moving. Pop-up Wave and Potions: No solid start. Geyser Attacks: Jump over waves and always avoid the circles. Others unknown.
No More Bad Guys (Mustache Girl): It's just Mustache Girl with tweaks to her attacks.
Please give advice