We should roleplay here, barely anyone's an admin here, and this fandom is kinda... dead, @0inkling0
Puffster: miss, please, stop stalking Elec -.-;
Pie: Why? *her pupils turn to hearts* Hes so beautiful!
Puffster: don't make me cast Thunderball again!
Pie: Shush!
Majin me: do you like the milkblossom hairpiece i made for you, Tiger Lily Cookie? ^^
I initially did not care that you guys started the rp here, but why don't you go over to cookie run fandom if you're going to continue with cookie run kingdom only? If you are going to continue, that is.
Whoa, i didn't expect you to get here!
Also @Justbeho, the reason why i'm roleplaying here is because when i just tried to go to the cookie run fandom, i got this screen ;-;
Then do a roleplay elsewhere. This is A Hat in Time wiki, not Cookie Run RP wiki. Go to Discord DM or something
Another problem, Discord's blocked too