We should roleplay here, barely anyone's an admin here, and this fandom is kinda... dead, @0inkling0
Worked on 2 new OCs!
First, a girl named Pie. She is mentally crazy, and her pupils change. A LOT. She enjoys stalking the robot named Elec, who is on the right.
Elec is a mostly emotionless robot who is never left alone by Pie. Thats all I can list about him.
(neat ^^)
Puffster: i have a name now, so please, call me Puffster from now on ^^
Inkling: okie dokie!
*Elec runs inside the hotel frantically*
Puffster: hello ^^
Elec: No time to talk!
Pie: Come here Elec!
Puffster: *breaths in some air and exhales a spell at Pie, the spell was thunderball* does that feel shocking?
Pie: *is affected but doesnt care*
Puffster: huh?
Me: huh, Puffster is quite surprised, huh Skid and Pump?
Skid: uhhmmm... thats kinda obvious.
Puffster: hey, Elec, i forgot to introduce myself, i'm Puffster, i'm a Gasbagon, you probably saw me inhale and exhale Thunderball, which is a zap type move