We should roleplay here, barely anyone's an admin here, and this fandom is kinda... dead, @0inkling0
Gasbagon: i'm a Gasbagon, is there something wrong with my look?
Tiger Lily Cookie: *more hissing*
Majin me: hi, you're my favorite cookie, Tiger Lily Cookie ^^
Tiger Lily Cookie: Okay.
Majin me: in fact, i decided to make you a little git
Tiger Lily Cookie: ?
Majin me: *gives Tiger Lily cookie a beautiful hairpiece* i made it with Milkblossom petals ^^
Tiger Lily Cookie: Thank you.
Majin me: you're welcome ^^ oh, i forgot to introduce myself! my name is Majin 38 ^^
Tiger Lily Cookie: Nice to meet you i suppose.
Pop: *examining Meta Knights wings*
Meta Knight: What are you doing..?
Pop: Examining.