Welcome to the roleplay everyone you guys can roleplay as any ahit character if you want because imma roleplay as my oc's
Ray me: woah ok let's not get angry
Dark ray me: shut it! *punches ray 38 in the face*
Ray me: ow! *got bubblized*
Ridley: Dragapult! Use Dragon Dance!
Knit: Ariados! Use Toxic!
*Everybody except for Knit, Ridley, and their pokemon are now badly poisoned*
*Dragapult's attack and speed rose*
Science me: *pulls the lever and opens the trapdoor underneath knit and ridley*
*Ridley releases Hydreigon and we hop on it*
Ridley: Levitate brah!
Science me: oh and ridley listen we aren't bad guys
Ridley: Mouth shut. Dragapult use Dragon Dance!
Knit: Ariados, come back! Aegislash, come on out!
*Dragapult gets more attack and more speed*
*Ariados was switched with Aegislash*
Also here's a sprite sheet
Whaaaaaaaaat the heeeeeeeeeeeeeeell
What abomination of nature is that thing
It's a character sprite sheet of ray plumber from rayman legends
What do you think?