Theres not many ahit memes on the interwebs despite this game reaching over a million copies sold
Get on Ibispaint.
Create the god awful ideas for things in the recesses of your mind.
Throw your AHiT copy into the washing machine.
(If you get the reference you get a gold star bc u deserve it)
So... I want yall to know that you should NEVER give me access to an art program also capable of photoshop (i use Ibispaint).... So i just made these oh god.... Whyyyyyy ;w;
So lets just get this cursed meme train over with-
hat kid no
Press F to pay respects
Yo the new ahit spinoff games lookin hype man graphics are so good man
(Btw to see the full switch game you'll have to click it .-.)
Also, a bonus Magolor (from Kirby) meme i made oh god oh peck-
God i hate these XD
(P.S. If you have anything you want me to make into a fake switch game or a stupid meme then say no more, ur wish be mai command OwO' Yeah i'll be taking meme requests too now... Oh god oh peck)